Friday, May 24, 2013

Feelin' the Heat! - National Heat Awareness Day

May 24th is Heat Awareness Day. Considering the harmful effects of extreme heat, it is important that we understand the dangers of extreme heat, and how to avoid overexposure. Here are some tips on how to avoid heat stress during the hot summer days.


Heat Stress

Working in a hot environment or having exposure to extreme heat puts you at risk of becoming a victim of heat stress.  Heat Stress is very common in workers who are over exposed and not properly trained on the prevention methods. Providing your workers with up to date training can be beneficial to their health and production on the jobsite.

Types of Heat Stress

·         Heat Stroke
·         Heat Exhaustion
·         Heat Syncope (Fainting spell)
·         Heat Cramps
·         Heat Rash

Symptoms of Heat Stress

·         Hallucinations
·         Throbbing Headache
·         Confusion/dizziness
·         Slurred speech
·         Nausea
·         High Body temperature
·         Loss of consciousness
·         Muscle pain or spasms
·         Skin irritation caused by sweating excessively
·         Hot dry skin

Preventative recommendations

·        Wear light-colored, loose-fitting, breathing clothing
·        Gradually build up to work in the hot environment
·        Plan heavy work for the coolest part of the day
·        Take frequent breaks, if possible
·        Drink water frequently to stay hydrated
·        Avoid alcohol and drinks with high amounts of sugar or caffeine

To find out more information and tips on Heat Stress, visit OSHA’s website at

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